Sunday, January 30, 2011


When I think of it, Life iz easy. Easy when I follow my blizz, easy when I share my blizz, easy when I speak my truth, easy when I breathe in & out love, easy when I take off the mask & be my authentic self, easy when I accept, appreciate, celebrate life in all its infinite expressions, easy when I do what comes natural & stop fighting against what does not, easy when I let go and let Goddess. Yes Life iz Wonderful~

Friday, January 28, 2011

  • My mission iz to be a vortex of love, spirling in ever undulations patterns of soft meadows, warm sun light rays, oceans of liquid love flowing, flowing, flowing to deep dark, light colors of thiz rainbow life~~~~~~~~
    Joy iz in the full hearted releasing, full hearted giving and the full hearted receiving of life. Let yourself give without censoring yourself. Sometimes the ego says, I can't tell that person how gorgeous, loving, kind & wildly creative they are what will they think? Conversely open yourself for someone to tell U how gorgeous, loving, kind & wildly creative U are. U are Loved~~~

Monday, January 24, 2011

What a Life

The good thing about getting older iz that theirs a comfort in my soul that transcends my ever changing, ever fluctuating but always unpredictable predictable life. When I waz younger the should's, could's and would's led my life. I did or did not do things based upon whether it fit into my self described role or position I had in my mind. Spiritual people don't get angry, cry or feel their feelings deeply and most of all they don't get a choice or preference. They always see the bigger picture so they have to give and be or service to other "less" unfortunate whether they want to or not. Boy did I have a big ego, to think that I could control others by me being a unauthentic version of myself. My heart waz in the right place though and that led me further to inperiece and experience life's ups and downs so that I might unlearn some nasty habits & outdated thought forms that I picked up along my human incarnation. In my late thirties that's when a big shift started happening. I started saying no or yes more when I really meant it not because it waz the "right" thing to do. I knew I had come a long way when a co-worker who would ask me for favors alot because she the former me would override my inner voice said, to me one day, "Nejah your not az nice az you used to be". A standing ovation of bravos went off in my mind like I had just gave the most heart wrenching performance of my life. For I knew for her"nice" and "fool" were exchangeable. Of course I'm still learning & unlearning more and more. Their a lightness of being that's walking with me everyday not to be crowded under a overstuffed to do list. Theirs space to listen to the birds, play with my cats, do good or bad art, collage with my wise seniors and funny kids, play tennis, take hikes, shop, take classes of interest, write, cry, laugh and most importantly align my thoughts, words and actions with Source/inner SELF. Getting older iz a blessing & theirs no denying it my Life iz getting better and better~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tennis my Teacher

Today I started my exercise program, getting up & out by 7:00am to go to my local tennis court and do running drills. I placed orange cones in the front, middle and back of the court. I ran to the closest one ran backwards and then ran to the next one further out and repeated until I had completed thiz drill. I stretched somemore between the drills and then ran along the baseline flipping my feet left to right several times. I stretched some more and did a series of stepping on the bench and coming back down. Boy waz that a good one. After 45 minutes I decided to call it a day. It iz better to do a little a lot than alot very little. Theirs something amazing about thiz body that adapts, forgives, communicates and thrives with effortless ease. Even pain iz my friend for it gives me information to pay attention 2. However, health & wholeness iz where my attention primarily iz. I have another tournament in April that I am joyously focused on. I can't really explain why I injoy the whole process of tennis from hitting, doing drills, socializing with others, picking out my outfits but most of all feeling the pulsating energy run through me like a bolt of joylightening. And to see my body change little by little before my eyes iz exciting. I'm not trying to be a size 0 or a size 9 for that matter : } But sensing the aliviness, vitality and feeling myself getting stronger, faster, my flexible and more alive now that's something that can't be bought. I use to think I wazn't disciplined but now I know that's not true. If it rings true, if it feel God good, if I'm in alignment with what I'm doing/being I am inspired to action without fuss. Tennis haz become my master teacher for I am breaking through my self imposed limitations and if I can do it here I can do it in other areas of my life. Life iz God Good~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Appreciating Thiz Now Moment

Today I gleefully skipped out into my car and hit the road ready to play tennis after the soul cleansing rain. The air waz cool and crisp and the court clean and full of men playing doubles. Most were familiar faces, older men retired from their jobs but not from life. Getting out of my car I scanned the court seeing where I wanted to sit and wait for a court. My tennis tribe brother Charles rolled up in hiz well trodden truck and we both walked up to wait on a court together. While on the bench Charles talked about the guys playing tennis and how competative they were playing. He accidently said, "they play with so much tension". I said tenison ? and all of a sudden got the giggles. He said, well maybe that's not the right word, but you what I mean. But I couldn't stop giggling. I started thinking about the show Living Color with Jamie Fox character who makes up hoz own world of words that sounds intelligent but have no meaning. It felt good tickling my own funny body I could feel my joy juice overflowing and cascading out the tips of my locks. Soon we were on the court warming up for our doubles match. My body felt slightly slow and sluggish like it usually does for the first 15-20 minutes of warm up but my joy juice made it all okay. We played a couple sets and then everybody parted like the red sea. I stayed and soon waz engaged in another doubles match. My new partner Sun said, he had been in a car accident thiz past new year day. He said, the care he waz in rolled off several times on the freeway and he escaped a little sore but alive and well. I could tell he waz still numbed by the experience yet extremely grateful and appreciative to be here on the tennis court hitting and missing balls like another day at the park. Everyday iz a gift it truly iz and I thank God/Goddess All that IZ for thiz opportunity to love, live, create, dance, play tennis and share thiz magnificant life with the great I AM that lives and breathes in all things~~~~ Take care everybody.