Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No where to go but UP!

Thiz iz my first post for my new blog Collaging Your Life. It haz been a extremely joyful and sometimes arduous journey in creating thiz blog. Its amazing how the process iz the meat of all my creations both the blizz and the unconsious shadow sides of myself.

I re-discovered Collaging after viewing a the dvd The Secret featuring Abraham-Hicks, Rev Michael B. Beckwith and several others affirmative thinkers. But these two made the deepest and most profound impression on me.

Abraham-Hicks said, "You can Be, Do or Have anything you really want".

Rev Michael many of uz at Agape Spiritual center affectionately call him said, "I believe that you're great. That there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, Regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you began to think properly, there's something that is within you, there's power within you that's greater than the world. It will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you. Direct you. Sustain your very existence, if you let it. Now that is what I know for sure".

My mind bursted with ideas of what kind of life I wanted to creat so I started a vision board and once I started I never looked back. To my surprise I discovered how beautifully healing the whole process waz. From collecting and going through the magazines, to cutting the words and pictures out and to intuitively arranging everything on the board. About 6 months after I started thiz process I left my job of 22 years, it felt like a free fall into thiz wonderous life that I now had gotten a glimpise of through my collages. Over these past few years I've been allowing myself to be moved by spirit, activily listening instead of letting my ego tell me what I "should" be doing. So here I am volunteering teaching a collage clazz at the senior citizens center every Monday and on Wednesdays collaging with kids with the organization Free Arts for Abused Children. I'm still in a free fall not knowing where or what all thiz iz leading to, but that's the beauty of it all. I have finally made the unknown my friend all I haveto do iz follow the trail of blizz cuz the eternal NOW iz the only thing that exists. So I hope you will come and visit and comment here whenever you feel inspired too. I injoy having heart felt conversations with others it iz another thing that feeds my Soul. Take care beautiful ONES!

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